Dr. John's Healthy Sweets, LLC
Manufacturer Information
Company Information

The idea to create Dr. John's Candies began because of our desire to bring a better tasting sugar free candy to the market. We also wanted to improve on this and make our candy healthier not only from a standpoint that it didn't have sugar but also healthier in other ways too. Our candy is all natural with no artificial ingredients.

Besides being a natural sweetener, dental research shows xylitol also helps prevent cavities if incorporated into your daily routine. Candy that prevents cavities? You got it!

What makes xylitol special is the bacteria that cause dental decay eat xylitol like it's sugar but cannot digest it. Because of this, the bacteria colonies begin to decrease in number in the mouth, lessening the chance of forming a new cavity. Cool right?!

So, when eating Dr. John's candies, you can enjoy a sweet treat without worrying about artificial ingredients or getting cavities!

Fast forward to today and Dr. John and Debra have done it again! Introducing our new Healthy Sweets™ line of nutritional candy. This takes our line of sweets even further and has even more health benefits, without sacrificing taste.

To sum it up, in one sugar free lollipop you are getting 20% of your recommended amount of daily fiber, 3.3 gram combination of the xylitol and erythritol, as well as being made from natural ingredients. Oh, and did mention that Probiotic Pops™ for kids is available as well?! To top everything off, for each sale of Healthy Sweets™ or Probiotic Pops™ for kids, Dr. John's® is donating part of the proceeds to children's cancer non-profits. We try to make it easy for you to feel great about buying our candy!

There's just so much to love about all of our products that we know once you give us a try, you will never miss all the sugar again!

Allergen Policy

The allergens that are entirely excluded are gluten, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, fish, and shellfish.

All sourced ingredients are tested prior to purchase.

Cross-contamination/cross-contact is eliminated via our manufacturing process.

Satisfaction Policy

Returns for packages will be granted only in the case of a manufacturing defect.
